
AAC in the Cloud

Welcome! AAC in the Cloud is an annual, free, fully-online conference focused on all things AAC! Here you can review sessions from past conferences, search for a specific session, or subscribe to our session feeds. All past sessions are kept online for as long as we can help it, and fill out the participation survey after watching current or past sessions to get CEU credits! You can also go here to see details on the most recent conference.

Highlighted Sessions

Switch Adapting Toys is Easy!
Corinne Dicpinigaitis
Who am I? What are switch adapted toys? Overview of switch adapted toys. Live tutorial. What is Jericho adapts toys and how to start your own organization!
My AAC is Part of My Gender Presentation
Tuttleturtle (Stephanie)
When setting up AAC, considering disability is normal. But, identity is complex, more than just our disabilities, and our assistive tech is a part of us. It needs to support the whole person. We’ll discuss using AAC as a trans, disabled person and some considerations as they customize their device.
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Annual Conferences

sponsored by Forbes AAC, and OpenAAC