AAC in the Cloud 2022 Conference
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Pre-Conference Sessions - Watch Anytime after June 10 | |||
Time |
Track 1
AAC for Users, Families & Supporters
Track 2
AAC for Professionals and Supporters
Track 3
AAC Technology or Services
How to not just build ramps but to include all people in all aspects of the life of a faith community (especially AAC users)
Naomi Herman: We All Worship Together – Making Places of Worship Accessible to All
If you have ever been confused about the ways that vocabulary robust AAC systems are put together, this is the session for you! Follow us down the Yellow Brick Road of AAC to explore the organizational features of some of the most popular robust systems. We will examine the rationale of different ways that vocabulary is organized as a way to structure an AAC system and the implications of the organization on communication success.
Beth Poss & Kelly Fonner: Categories and Motor Planning and Pragmatic Function, Oh My! Understanding Organizational Set-Ups for AAC Systems
Eyegaze AAC is often primarily considered when a disability affects the use of hands, arms or multiple limbs! When thinking of eyegaze most people think of ALS, cerebral palsy or similar disabilities as they are well known for impacting motor and coordination! rarely if ever considered for autistics, however many autistic speak at length about the brain body disconnect where our bodies don't listen to our brains, this ranges from person to person but is widely discussed and well known in the autistic community, the brain body disconnect effect motor movements, speech coordination ect. However despite it being widely discussed by autistics. As well as Spoken a fair bit about by many non speaking autistics eyegaze still doesn't seem to be looked at as an AAC access method for autistics
Saoirse Tilton: Eye Gaze Access for Autistics
Communication opportunities are everywhere. While therapeutic AAC intervention may be valuable to provide clients with foundational skills, it is certainly not the only way to encourage skill development in those with AAC needs. This session will explore manageable and accessible strategies for selection and implementation of AAC systems at home.
Hannah Foley, Sarah Gregory, & Joanna Holmes: Home Grown – Planting Seeds for AAC Growth
Many times AAC use is talked about associated with one specific disability, such as autism, cerebral palsy, or ASL. These are all reasons someone might need AAC, but many of us are multiply disabled and communication needs aren't that simple. We might use AAC for multiple reasons. Even when multiple disabilities aren’t independent reasons we need AAC, our multiple disabilities impact the details of what we need for our AAC.
tuttleturtle: session canceled
AAC users may be the only child in their classroom with a communication tool... but they don't need to feel alone! Learn strategies to affirm and celebrate AAC with peers and educational staff.
Cheri Dodge Chin: Fostering an AAC-affirming classroom
Learn what makes a "good" tangible symbol including considerations when making them that I have found to be successful. Demonstrating how this form of AAC can be powerful tool to provide access to AAC, not just in school, but also at home and how they can be used to facilitate and open doors for community interactions.
Emily Macklin: What are Tangible Symbols? Use of these AAC Supports Across Settings
Day 1 - June 28, 2022 | |||
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Track 1
AAC for Users, Families & Supporters
Track 2
AAC for Professionals and Supporters
Track 3
AAC Technology or Services
12 pm ET |
Are you new to implementing AAC or do you feel you need new ideas for supporting AAC users? Introducing AAC to an individual takes a team, so let’s work together to give you ideas and examples for how to start the process of introducing AAC. Multiple examples and resources will be provided for starting the journey with AAC.
Sabina LaClair & Beth Warren: Getting Started - Ideas for Introducing AAC
This session addresses what we know (and don’t know) about everyday clinical practice for our AAC users that are Gestalt Language Processors. We will share both family and professional experiences. While also addressing the research, identifying speaking/non-speaking GLPs, AAC app feature matching, the theory of programming, & implementation.
Emily Diaz & Lauren Greenlief: The Known (And Unknowns) of AAC & Gestalt Language Processing
Acquired communication disorders caused by electrical trauma present unique communication barriers due to their evolving symptom manifestation. Initially anomic aphasia, cognitive communication disorder and mild dysarthria may be present. As the person ages away from the initial injury, communication barriers can become more pronounced with age.
Sarah Price Hancock: Electrical Injuries: Communication and Speech disorders and AAC-- What's the next step?
1 pm ET |
This session will help AAC users take the next steps with a goal driven curriculum for teaching body safety and personal safety. Using language from psychologists and lawyers who educate in grooming and sexual abuse prevention this session will have an AAC relevant twist.
Gemma White: Where is the penis? Equipping AAC users to discuss personal and body safety
Without ample support and collaboration across environments, AAC abandonment can occur. This session will focus on strategies for getting caregiver and professional buy-in by utilizing a collaborative approach. Attendees will be empowered with research-based information, tips, and strategies to effectively implement AAC as a team.
Kelsey Peterson: Using a Collaborative Approach to AAC to Achieve Team Buy-In
The audience will be given an introduction to the prototype, EmotionTalker – a prosodic featured SGD. The user has the possibility to let sound her/ his utterance in an emotional manner. The author is interested in whether a prosodic SGD would foster conversations between augmented communicators and their communication partners in length and brio or not.
Jan-Oliver Wülfing: EmotionTalker - what's about emotions in SGDs?
2 pm ET |
Have you heard about gestalt language processing (GLP)? If you want to learn more about this manner of language development and its role in AAC, then this is the presentation for you! This presentation will review GLP, its current implications for AAC, and future considerations for research and development.
Laura Hayes, Kate McLaughlin, & Kate Flaxman: Gestalt Language Processing & AAC: What Do We Know & Where Do We Go? **EXTENDED SESSION -- Will run until 3:45PM ET**
School staff instruction in AAC has numerous benefits to students, including increasing communicative turns and facilitating longer utterances. However, in-service style trainings rarely result in increased AAC use in the classroom. Participants will learn the benefits of staff education, benefits of modeling AAC and elements of a successful partner education program.
Jill Senner & Matt Baud: Educating School Staff to Model AAC in the Classroom
Words matter. We asked people what words they prefer when talking about AAC and the people who use it. Over 400 people with a variety of connections to AAC responded. In this presentation, we talk about community opinions (and awareness) of the words we use.
Alyssa Hillary Zisk, Ph.D. & Lily Konyn: What words should we use to talk about AAC? Results from AssistiveWare’s AAC Terminology Survey
3 pm ET |
Are you looking for down home strategies to weave language learning into the daily grind? This session aims to meet you and your child where you are and give the tools to make magic language building moments a part of your everyday family life.
Tannalynn Neufeld: Down Home AAC! Bringing AAC Language Learning to Your Busy Family Life
Effective teaching and implementation of AAC can be both fun and functional for educators and families. In this session we will share strategies for modeling and expanding expressions using games, books, and everyday activities that are FUNctional! Let's have fun and get communicating!
Shannon Archer: FUNctional Activities for AAC using games, books, and everyday activities.
Augmented communicators discuss the importance of recruiting and paying AAC users as public speakers. Each will offer examples of different public speaking engagements, what they need to be successful, how they prepare, unexpected challenges encountered, what they would do differently, and how they get connected with opportunities.
Chris Gibbons: AAC Speaker Employment Starts Here
4 pm ET |
We share our experience in planning and implementing Emergent Literacy lessons in Spanish. Based on the evidence and the experience of resources developed in English by experts in the field. We include our tips, resources and suggestions to motivate more professionals and families to start this literacy proces
Claudia Marimón R & Soledad Cuesta G: Planning Emerging Literacy Lessons in Spanish
The session will use a case study approach to highlight the necessity for provision of robust AAC to students with complex communication needs to reduce problematic behaviors and support their ability to access inclusive education. Topics covered will include assessment, implementation, and AAC and Behavior Intervention Plans (BIPs).
Kate DeJarnette: Robust AAC as a Key Element to Access Inclusive Education
Special Education Departments continue to be asked to do more with less. Nationwide, districts are faced with less resources, teachers, staff, and time, but are simultaneously tasked with an increase of heterogeneous groups of students, including those with Assistive Technology needs (including AAC needs), and documentation. Communication is a right. How can districts ensure that every students’ AAC needs are being addressed and not being lost in the shuffle? This session will examine how districts and organizations can leverage CoughDrop’s cloud technology to provide personalized AAC services to greater amounts of students. This session will: Overview the CoughDrop Collab Organization and Management Tool and Resources Explore CoughDrop’s remote management options of district licenses and student and staff users from a central dashboard Investigate Universal Design for Learning (UDL) strategies to integrate CoughDrop’s Individual, Classroom, and Site Licensing options into district initiatives Examine CoughDrop’s integrated features for IEP AAC Goal automated tracking and data reports Discuss CoughDrop privacy controls for AAC teams
Scot Wahlquist: CoughDrop Collab™ - CoughDrop AAC Management Solutions for Districts and Organizations
5 pm ET |
Families often inquire how they can support literacy within the home environment. Emergent literacy learners who use AAC benefit from repetition with variety to provide a wealth of literacy experiences. Family members and caretakers who have a deep understanding of a learner can provide these experiences within the home setting.
Ashley Larisey & Lauren Sheehan: AAC and Emergent Literacy at Home – A Beginners Guide for Families and Caretakers
When it comes to new skills practice is necessary for proficiency. Consent is no different. When supporting students with multiple disabilities and/or complex communication needs, who may not have bodily autonomy, this need is amplified. In this presentation we will discuss how to teach consent across educational settings.
Sarah Weber: Consent in the Classroom- Why it’s essential to teach advocacy and boundaries at all age levels
The interdisciplinary Assistive Technology team from Blythedale Children’s Hospital will provide information on their holistic AT assessment approach for children with complex medical needs. The importance of both an interdisciplinary approach to evaluations and collaboration will be highlighted for technology integration across settings, and case studies will be presented.
Marnina Allis, Karen Conti, Jean Marie Florkowski, Andres Guerrero, Barbara Donleavy-Hiller, & Diana Ryan: Connecting the Puzzle Pieces: An Interdisciplinary Approach to AT Services
6 pm ET |
Take your AAC to the next level with practical and fun ideas and strategies. Look at ways you can build language beyond core words and support AAC users to communicate for real reasons. These concepts of language building will be shown in some practical examples, such as: story telling, advocacy, conversations, preferred topics, emotions, and more.
Amanda Hartmann: Taking AAC to the Next level!
Anchor activities prior to reading selected text are vital to building vocabulary and background knowledge (schema) for all learners. These activities are essential for AAC users so that they can engage and provide meaningful input during CAR and CROWD activities. The following tools will be highlighted in this webinar, The Expanding Expression Tool, Youtube videos, AAC, and Readtopia.
Sharon Redmon: Interactive Reading and AAC users: Building Schema
Ever get stuck on how to motivate a child you are working with? Aren’t sure how to incorporate a child’s or family’s interests into your therapy sessions? Then this presentation is for you! During this hour-long presentation, we will discuss ways to incorporate a person and family’s interests and motivation into their AAC language system, as well as within therapy activities, using real-world examples.
Jennifer Fraczkiewicz: Lets get Motivated!
Day 2 - June 29, 2022 | |||
Time |
Track 1
AAC for Users, Families & Supporters
Track 2
AAC for Professionals and Supporters
Track 3
AAC Technology or Services
12 pm ET |
This presentation will talk about consent, relationships, and sexual education (CRSE) for AAC users of all ages. It will talk about what CRSE is. It will talk about what healthy, robust, and age-appropriate CRSE looks like. It will talk about what the people watching the presentation can do to help AAC users be part of healthy, robust, and age-appropriate CRSE.
Donnie TC Denome: The Importance of Consent, Relationships, and Sexual Education for AAC Users
Assuming that relationships are what drives the success of coaching and the use of the SGD, what does communication partner readiness for AAC look like? And what do you do when readiness isn’t there? Sometimes starting the process doesn’t look like coaching, it looks like getting to know the family.
M. Claire Campbell, Heidi Hosick, & Mallory Record: AAC Readiness – Not Just about the User
Integrate core vocabulary stimulation into daily life in a classroom of French-speaking adolescents, aged 12-21, with moderate intellectual and severe motor disabilities, through educational activities and daily routines, as well as inspiring ideas to involve families.
Julie Paquet & Floriane Olivier: Get started with core vocabulary in a French-speaking classroom **Session will be in French**
1 pm ET |
This session will provide information about facilitating self-determination and self-advocacy in AAC users. Discussion will include psychosocial competence and social-emotional development interventions that were utilized within a regional program for school aged students. Activities and intervention tools will be reviewed, including family/caregiver training, choices/opinions, and communication partner training.
Jaime Lawson, Melonie Melton, Heather Patton, & Melissa Clark: Am I Muted?!? Fostering Effective Self-Advocacy in AAC Users
Lauren (Enders) Gonzales, Erin Polk, Rachael Smolen: AAC and Behavior -- They are Connected
The complex task of writing for our students with significant disabilities and complex communication needs can be daunting for teachers and students alike. Idea generating starts with vocabulary and building background knowledge and Predictable Chart Writing assists in creating authors. Canva makes it all interactive.
Sharon Redmon: Predictable Chart Writing – Vocabulary building makes its mark, with a little Canva on the side
2 pm ET |
It is exciting when an individual gets an AAC system. But so often this excitement can simmer quickly when thoughts of “Awesome, what do I do now?” or “This isn’t working?” Communication is like a team sport. We each have different positions, with the end game or win being communication. The role of educators, therapists, and family members is critical to the AAC users success. This training was designed to give the team members some of the “equipment” they can use for success. We will look using an AAC Implementation plan (across settings) and modeling strategies to build the team's skills.
Shannon Archer: We have a device, now what? Modeling and an AAC Implementation Plan, tools for success
Learn how one school district has streamlined AAC services with an AAC framework, tiered AAC supports and focused classroom interventions. Participants will learn about similarities between AAC supports and Multi Tiered Systems of Support, understand the Specific Language System First approach, and review a case study of how one district implemented AAC modeling and focusing on core words as their primary AAC classroom interventions.
Melissa Petersen: One, Two, Three - AAC – streamlining AAC at school using tiered AAC supports
Creating low tech medical boards Low tech AAC boards were created as supports for medical appointments to improve patient participation and autonomy in medical care for the neurology and dental departments at an article 28 clinic. The importannce of implementing an Aided Language Stimulation approach to medical care will be shared.
Gemma White: Creating Low tech AAC supports to improve autonomy in medical appointments
3 pm ET |
There are a variety of AAC Tools that are very small. They are not, nor claim to be, robust vocabulary systems. These tools can possibly play a secondary role. This session reviews the features and usage of this category of AAC tools; it does NOT promote that these systems are a person’s primary system.
Kelly Fonner: Considerations in Adding Non-Robust Portable AAC Tools as Secondary Systems
CoughDrop has a lot of great features, including some new ones you may not be familiar with. In this session we will introduce some of the latest features in CoughDrop (profiles, remote messaging & modeling, evals, etc.) to show how to better support communicators who can benefit from AAC.
Brian Whitmer: New Tools for Supporting AAC Use in CoughDrop
Create your own switch toy and language adventure! This session discusses the benefits of utilizing switch access through adapted toys and pairing pretend play and peer interaction to support learning language. Learn the basic items you need to adapt toys and opportunities to provide communication and active participation through play.
Laura Hayes & Mary Katherine Dally: Choose Your Own Switch Adventure – Oh The Places You’ll Go!
4 pm ET |
Learning to be a competent writer is a difficult journey for many. Most children travel through the developmental writing stages with ease, however for those that have complex bodies and complex communication needs these stages can be difficult and often missed altogether. There is not much in the way of research on how AAC users view the writing process, what they use and what agency they have over this process. How does one become a writer when those processes and stages are interrupted? Join Mike Hipple, an AAC user and his colleague and friend Sharon Redmon, M.S. discuss his journey in becoming a writer, and in the process learn how one AAC user uses his AAC devices to form written communication and the agency that provides.
Sharon Redmon and Mike Hipple: Writing – One AAC users journey to become an a Writer
The purpose of this session is to provide attendees with the background knowledge necessary for understanding the different types of literacy instruction models that are utilized and which may be the most appropriate for our students and clients. Students and clients with complex communication needs are often viewed as being incapable of learning and engaging in emergent literacy activities, however, this is a common misconception. This session will discuss how Speech Language Pathologists can select appropriate activities and materials that can be easily incorporated into AAC intervention to support emergent literacy skills. Participants who attend will have the opportunity to view previously recorded literacy-based activities being incorporated during speech and language therapy sessions. Participants will also leave with a digital resource containing downloadable and printable materials to immediately begin using with their clients/students.
Kristin Ellis: Incorporating Comprehensive Literacy Instruction into AAC Intervention
As SLPs working with bilingual AAC learners, we know first-hand how difficult it could be to find resources for this community. Therefore, we created our own! We will be going over bilingue aac.com where we have created videos, handouts and a guide to help foster the Spanish language at home.
Bilingüe AAC: Bilingüe AAC – Resources for Bilingual(Spanish/English) AAC therapy
5 pm ET |
AAC users need ways to communicate and people with whom to communicate beyond the school setting. Training communication partners within a community can improve an individual’s overall independence and quality of life. Learn practical ways to expand access to AAC, then take AACtion for your learners.
Carolyn O'Hearn & Sara Pericolosi: Making the World a Bigger Place for AAC Users
Join Chris as he tells his story of a literacy and AAC journey and what he sees as the next steps in his life. Supported by an AT specialist and educator who saw his potential in his late teens, Chris will highlight his learning in the years since school ended.
Chris Hughes, Alice Wershing, and Mark Smith: “The View From the Mountain – past, present and What’s Next”
This presentation will show you, as an AAC professional, how you can support families on their AAC journey. Get practical strategies for how you can teach AAC, step into learning and problem solve the barriers to success. Every AAC family needs a coach - someone who can cheer them, support them, and guide them on this communication adventure.
Amanda Hartmann, Barbara van't Westende, & Pam Harris: Every AAC family needs a coach!