Most-Attended Sessions

highest-rated | most-watched | most-rated | most-attended
Rachel Madel: AAC in Telepractice
AAC in the Cloud 2020 Conference
4.61 out of 1732 ratings (1027 live attendees)
Session by Rachel Madel about using telepractice for AAC
Lauren Enders & Rachel Madel: Attention-grabbing Tools & Ideas for Virtual Language Learning
AAC in the Cloud 2020 Conference
4.7 out of 610 ratings (618 live attendees)
Susan Berkowitz: Moving Beyond Single Words with AAC
AAC in the Cloud 2018 Conference
3.78 out of 592 ratings (369 live attendees)
Moving AAC users beyond single words can be a difficult transition. Too often we focus on requesting as the objective, and on using single labels for items the user wants. But we need to grow language as well, and move students from single words through to complete, linguistically appropriate sentences.
Emily Diaz: How to get Staff Buy-in for all-day AAC Use in the Classroom
AAC in the Cloud 2020 Conference
4.24 out of 517 ratings (312 live attendees)
Communication doesn't just happen during speech therapy! This presentation will help you consider how to train & support classroom professionals so they actually enjoy implementing AAC when you're not there.
Keynote Address Jane Farrall: Shared Reading -- Let’s Be Interactive!
AAC in the Cloud 2020 Conference
4.66 out of 343 ratings (311 live attendees)
Shared reading is fundamental for anyone implementing literacy programs with emergent readers and writers – and good shared reading has strong ties with language development, and use of AAC. This workshop will discuss how we can support AAC users at different language and emergent literacy levels– supporting them to develop their language, communication skills and print concepts.
Deidre Dobbels & Kelly Key: Empowering Partners-- Parents & Professionals
AAC in the Cloud 2020 Conference
4.42 out of 347 ratings (296 live attendees)
Successful AAC users have a village of AAC supporters. This session will share unique, yet practical ways to empower communication partners in becoming proficient and confident in modeling and interacting using AAC.
Emily Diaz & Lauren Greenlief: The Known (And Unknowns) of AAC & Gestalt Language Processing
AAC in the Cloud 2022 Conference
4.44 out of 634 ratings (288 live attendees)
This session addresses what we know (and don’t know) about everyday clinical practice for our AAC users that are Gestalt Language Processors. We will share both family and professional experiences. While also addressing the research, identifying speaking/non-speaking GLPs, AAC app feature matching, the theory of programming, & implementation.
Anne Page: Keep it fun, Keep it Flexible, Keep it Available -- AAC All Day in the Special Needs Classroom
AAC in the Cloud 2017 Conference
4.32 out of 376 ratings (273 live attendees)
Laura Hayes, Kate McLaughlin, & Kate Flaxman: Gestalt Language Processing & AAC: What Do We Know & Where Do We Go? **EXTENDED SESSION -- Will run until 3:45PM ET**
AAC in the Cloud 2022 Conference
4.36 out of 417 ratings (263 live attendees)
Have you heard about gestalt language processing (GLP)? If you want to learn more about this manner of language development and its role in AAC, then this is the presentation for you! This presentation will review GLP, its current implications for AAC, and future considerations for research and development.
Lily Konyn: Supporting Gestalt Language Processors to Keep Scripting
AAC in the Cloud 2023 Conference
4.26 out of 483 ratings (262 live attendees)
Therapy for GLPs often focuses on moving them towards word-based language generation. While this is an important skill to have, it is also important to support their neurotype by helping them feel confident communicating with their scripts. This session considers the benefits and methods to support this for AAC users.
Keynote by Kate Ahern, #SeeMeSeeMyAAC Building a Voice
AAC in the Cloud 2017 Conference
4.54 out of 181 ratings (260 live attendees)
Jaime Lawson, Melonie Melton, & Heather Patton: The Power of One SLP-- What Can’t We Do?
AAC in the Cloud 2023 Conference
4.13 out of 395 ratings (245 live attendees)
This session will be provided by four SLP’s who share their secrets to providing productive and engaging AAC group sessions. Top tips and favorite activities will be provided within a real time group session. Find out how we manage various AAC systems and juggle data collection while maintaining engagement.
Kelsey Peterson: Using a Collaborative Approach to AAC to Achieve Team Buy-In
AAC in the Cloud 2022 Conference
3.89 out of 357 ratings (232 live attendees)
Without ample support and collaboration across environments, AAC abandonment can occur. This session will focus on strategies for getting caregiver and professional buy-in by utilizing a collaborative approach. Attendees will be empowered with research-based information, tips, and strategies to effectively implement AAC as a team.
Sabina LaClair & Beth Warren: Getting Started - Ideas for Introducing AAC
AAC in the Cloud 2022 Conference
4.16 out of 395 ratings (228 live attendees)
Are you new to implementing AAC or do you feel you need new ideas for supporting AAC users? Introducing AAC to an individual takes a team, so let’s work together to give you ideas and examples for how to start the process of introducing AAC. Multiple examples and resources will be provided for starting the journey with AAC.
Sharon Redmon: Aided Language From Research to Practice -- the How & Why of Modeling AAC
AAC in the Cloud 2020 Conference
4.07 out of 300 ratings (223 live attendees)
Aided Language Input: How to! AAC & Aided Language Stimulation Modeling: Teaching teachers, paras and parents the Why and How to modeling AAC. We learn language by having language modeled. Aided Language Stimulation (ALS) is seen as best practice in the field of AAC and is often one of the first strategies suggested when beginning AAC with individuals with Complex Communication Needs. In this hour-long webinar, we not only will learn about why modeling symbolic communication is so vital to AAC users but why it is so hard to implement and then learn simple techniques to teach communication partners how to implement ALS into their everyday routine. It may sound like an easy thing to do, however, in reality, our teachers, para's and parents are struggling with this strategy. Model, Model, Model! Let’s learn how to model because it is not as easy as it sounds. Learning Objectives: In this webinar participants will be able to... Understand the reason modeling symbolic language can be so difficult Describe three ways to teach communication partners how to model Be able to implement ALS into three routines in their students day
Maribeth Plankers: Let’s Read & Write with AAC
AAC in the Cloud 2021 Conference
4.28 out of 432 ratings (220 live attendees)
The use of literacy is a lifelong tool! The foundation for literacy is language. Communicators who rely on augmentative alternative communication should routinely utilize literacy for reading, writing and communication. Let’s explore the wealth of options to increase language use, reading comprehension, and written language for the AAC user.
Rachael Langley: 5 Fixes for Common AAC Problems
AAC in the Cloud 2018 Conference
3.97 out of 297 ratings (218 live attendees)
Kate Ahern: Talker Power -- Creating an AAC Skills Class for AAC Users and Caregivers Together
AAC in the Cloud 2023 Conference
4.43 out of 320 ratings (217 live attendees)
Developing communication competence in a focused and fun manner.
Rachel Jones: AAC in the Classroom -- Core Vocabulary
AAC in the Cloud 2017 Conference
4.2 out of 305 ratings (216 live attendees)
Karen Owens: We Speak PODD -- Implementing AAC at Home: Empowering Parents
AAC in the Cloud 2017 Conference
4.36 out of 338 ratings (210 live attendees)
Sara Ware: Power in Community Partnership: Fostering Relationships in Order to Improve AAC Access and Implementation
AAC in the Cloud 2023 Conference
4.11 out of 240 ratings (209 live attendees)
Community outreach and education is crucial to provide more widespread AAC access, earlier. Further, outreach, education and collaboration fosters improvements in AAC implementation, leading to more successful, independent communicators. This presentation aims to empower AAC providers to build relationships with community members in order to improve AAC access and use.
Rachael Langley & Marlene Cummings: No Experts Here -- An Argument for Building Capacity to Support AAC
AAC in the Cloud 2021 Conference
4.24 out of 346 ratings (201 live attendees)
While it might sound great to have an “AAC Expert” on hand, join this discussion about building sustainable support within schools and programs. Instead of putting high value on the expertise of one team member, this model recognizes that expert skills & knowledge work best when shared among a team.
Kathryn Helland: AAC- Getting Started, Implementing Across Environments, and Busting Myths
AAC in the Cloud 2017 Conference
4.21 out of 315 ratings (201 live attendees)
Elisa Wern: Teaming With Related Services to Support Your AAC User
AAC in the Cloud 2020 Conference
4.1 out of 242 ratings (197 live attendees)
This presentation will give ideas and resources to encourage teaming up with related service providers to support AAC users. Practical how-to guides as well as case examples will be shared. You’ll leave with resources to get everyone on the same page to help your AAC user(s) make progress and use their device across their day, at home, school, and in the community!
Sarah Weber: Make Your Modeling Meaningful: Tools & Tips for Aided Language Input
AAC in the Cloud 2018 Conference
4.12 out of 286 ratings (195 live attendees)
Do you struggle to connect with your AAC user? Do they only use their device to request? The problem could be what you’re choosing to talk about! We will discuss tools for determining highly motivating topics and tips for easy modeling in the moment to keep the conversation going.
Miriam O'Sulivan: Empowering People Through Evidence-Based Interventions
AAC in the Cloud 2017 Conference
3.76 out of 262 ratings (193 live attendees)
Laura Valerio: Promoting Social Language Skills for an AAC User
AAC in the Cloud 2020 Conference
4.21 out of 285 ratings (189 live attendees)
This presentation will provide intervention strategies and display materials that could be utilized for promoting social language skills that are important for an AAC user to practice while interacting with others.
Amanda Samperi: Executive Function & AAC
AAC in the Cloud 2018 Conference
4.29 out of 298 ratings (188 live attendees)
Executive functioning (EF) skills are critical to using one’s information and skills. This presentation will look at AAC through an executive functioning lens, connecting areas of challenge in EF skills with challenges that many users of AAC face. It will also provide evidence-based strategies to enhance executive functioning skills for users of AAC.
Dana Nieder, Keynote
AAC in the Cloud 2018 Conference
4.51 out of 173 ratings (185 live attendees)
Beth Poss & Kelly Fonner: I Need That! How to Get Started with Core Vocabulary
AAC in the Cloud 2020 Conference
4.45 out of 289 ratings (181 live attendees)
This session helps families and educators understand expressive core vocabulary: what it is, where to get it, and how to use it to communicate with existing AAC systems and on manual core boards. We will share resources for pre-made core vocabulary and activities as well as tools for creating custom core resources.
Rachael Langley: Prompt Awareness in AAC Instruction
AAC in the Cloud 2017 Conference
4.34 out of 345 ratings (179 live attendees)
Angie Sheets & Nicole Wingate: The Amazing Race to the 3 Cs -- Collaboration, Core Vocabulary, Communication
AAC in the Cloud 2017 Conference
4.11 out of 249 ratings (176 live attendees)
Robert Vickery & Kyle Delahanty: Empowering the Paraprofessional
AAC in the Cloud 2020 Conference
4.03 out of 241 ratings (175 live attendees)
Instructional assistants often spend the most time with students; however, they frequently do not get the training needed to effectively implement augmentative alternative communication with students with complex communication needs. This presentation offers examples of training and strategies we used to train instructional assistants in our Colorado Facility School.
Gemma White: Where is the penis? Equipping AAC users to discuss personal and body safety
AAC in the Cloud 2022 Conference
4.51 out of 204 ratings (174 live attendees)
This session will help AAC users take the next steps with a goal driven curriculum for teaching body safety and personal safety. Using language from psychologists and lawyers who educate in grooming and sexual abuse prevention this session will have an AAC relevant twist.
M. Claire Campbell, Heidi Hosick, & Mallory Record: AAC Readiness – Not Just about the User
AAC in the Cloud 2022 Conference
4.02 out of 241 ratings (172 live attendees)
Assuming that relationships are what drives the success of coaching and the use of the SGD, what does communication partner readiness for AAC look like? And what do you do when readiness isn’t there? Sometimes starting the process doesn’t look like coaching, it looks like getting to know the family.
Bonnie Mintun & Jamie Crum: Supportive Training with Active Respect: A STAR Approach to Training AAC Support Teams
AAC in the Cloud 2018 Conference
3.28 out of 223 ratings (170 live attendees)
The Communication Technology Education Center (CTEC) is creating a lively video series specifically for support teams of individuals who have complex communication needs. The STAR series of short videos is for people of any age, using high tech to light tech AAC. The entertaining video scenarios illustrate evidence-based training and support strategies for increasing meaningful communication.
Laura Hayes: The 1 AAC Strategy You May be Missing
AAC in the Cloud 2023 Conference
4.34 out of 327 ratings (168 live attendees)
Aided language input, prompting, creating opportunities—the are all well known strategies that are often discussed when it comes to supporting AAC development. However, how often do you and the communication partners that support AAC users talk about the importance of acknowledgment? In this session, we will dive into the importance of communication acknowledgement and the role it plays in language and socio-emotional development. Participants will learn about how to use it as a tool in their toolbox to enhance communication with AAC users.
Lauren (Enders) Gonzales, Erin Polk, Rachael Smolen: AAC and Behavior -- They are Connected
AAC in the Cloud 2022 Conference
4.38 out of 327 ratings (167 live attendees)
Anne Page: Writing Authentic AAC Goals
AAC in the Cloud 2020 Conference
4.1 out of 306 ratings (167 live attendees)
Kate DeJarnette: Robust AAC as a Key Element to Access Inclusive Education
AAC in the Cloud 2022 Conference
4.28 out of 251 ratings (166 live attendees)
The session will use a case study approach to highlight the necessity for provision of robust AAC to students with complex communication needs to reduce problematic behaviors and support their ability to access inclusive education. Topics covered will include assessment, implementation, and AAC and Behavior Intervention Plans (BIPs).
Welcome and Opening Remarks
AAC in the Cloud 2018 Conference
2.36 out of 50 ratings (166 live attendees)
Deidre Dobbels & Kelly Key: Strategies to Increase AAC Modeling in the Classroom
AAC in the Cloud 2018 Conference
4.45 out of 264 ratings (165 live attendees)
A nationwide survey of general and special education teachers (pre-k – high school) identified perceived barriers in being able to provide partner aided language in the classroom setting. The results of this survey will be shared with participants along with practical solutions to overcome these obstacles, and provide educators with the tools and confidence they need to speak AAC.
Scot Wahlquist & Sarah Cox: Transitioning from 'Choice-based' AAC to Core Vocabulary
AAC in the Cloud 2020 Conference
4.17 out of 255 ratings (162 live attendees)
Many of us start the AAC journey with choice or requesting boards but is that the best way to promote effective communication? In this presentation we share our personal experience of what we learned when we transitioned our AAC user from choice/requesting boards to a robust core vocabulary, what we wish we would have known when we started, and the importance of collaboration between school and home
Beth Poss: Supporting Your Youngest Learners -- How Carefully Curated Resources with Adult Facilitation Can Promote Language Development, Play, & Communication
AAC in the Cloud 2020 Conference
4.24 out of 256 ratings (155 live attendees)
Technology is omnipresent in our world and children may be experts at navigating these tools well before entering kindergarten. While AT provides access, the use of technology as a teaching tool for young children must be balanced with their need to play and learn through interactions in natural settings. This session examines current research on technology for birth to 5-year-olds and the implications of technology as an early learning tool for young children with language disabilities. We will discuss criteria for evaluating apps with a focus on interaction, cultural diversity and accessibility. Explore how families and therapists can use technology with young children to support the growth of language, play, early literacy, and problem solving skills.
Jennifer Clark, Robby Vickery & Kyle Delahanty: Empowering Paraeducators to Use Students' AAC Systems
AAC in the Cloud 2019 Conference
4.16 out of 299 ratings (154 live attendees)
Instructional assistants often spend the most time with students; however, they frequently do not get the training needed to effectively implement augmentative alternative communication with students with complex communication needs. This presentation offers examples of trainings and strategies we used to train instructional assistants in our Colorado Department of Education Facility School.
Kelly Fonner: Alternative Pencils -- What Are They & How Are They Used
AAC in the Cloud 2020 Conference
4.23 out of 201 ratings (148 live attendees)
For some students, writing has been difficult due to their inability to manipulate the standard tools of writing. Many educators, therapists and parents have heard of the concept of Alternative Pencils. What are they? We will look at many examples, from the use of alphabet tiles to partner assisted scanning.
Jenna Williams: Supporting Emerging Communicators
AAC in the Cloud 2018 Conference
3.88 out of 225 ratings (148 live attendees)
Tips and tools for working with the emerging communicator!
Melissa Friscia: The Intersection of AAC and UDL in the Preschool Classroom: Strategies and Solutions for Addressing Early Childhood Access to Universal Communication Supports
AAC in the Cloud 2024 Conference
4.21 out of 240 ratings (148 live attendees)
We will discuss inclusive practices for providing all preschool students with accessible communication tools and supports, and delineate how the universal design for learning framework can be applied to early childhood classrooms. In this way, we can strive to make AAC the norm, rather than the exception, in preschools.
Carole Zangari Beyond the Basics: Core Consideration in AAC Intervention
AAC in the Cloud 2017 Conference
4.61 out of 230 ratings (148 live attendees)
Katie Threlkeld: CoughDrop AAC App from A to Z
AAC in the Cloud 2023 Conference
4.05 out of 239 ratings (147 live attendees)
As speech-language pathologists, we lead the way in determining how communication is viewed within our professional setting. In this practical presentation, we will review the essential components of a communication-focused program in order to support authentic, student-centered communication skills, and to create a more inclusive and supportive learning environment for all students.